About SAE.news

I’m Denise Stevens and dedicated my life to journalism. Currently, I live in Chicago, where I was born and raised.

After finishing high school, I went to college, and there is where I found out that I wanted to tell people’s stories. This is how I found my way into journalism so that I can talk about what matters to people and about the important events in their political, economic, and social environments. I believe that these events are important because, in one way or the other, they affect people’s lives. I remember watching my father reading the newspaper when I was little, and this incentivized my curiosity and eagerness to learn. My first job as a journalist was as a featured columnist, and this is where I started to gain experience in the field.

Although there was a time in which I was divided between the university and work at the newspaper, I managed to continue with both of them and graduated timely. Eventually, there would come a time in which my life would change, and I decided to let my imagination run free. A few months after graduation, I already had my own independent publication and managed to make a decent income by combining this with freelance work and editorial tasks in local newspapers. All in all, this allowed me to build the career that I always wanted.

My first publication

As I mentioned above, I started to release my own publication because I wanted to convey my ideas. Luckily, I found that this approach was helpful for me and well-received by the audience, so soon, I had my own readers. Using money from my trust fund, I made the initial investment, and everything else was plain hard work and commitment.

After ten years of running my own publication, I decided to go online. I realized that the world was a different place than it was when I was a child and that now information had found other ways to make itself heard. Through my own news blog, I knew that I could reach much more people and also, and I would be able to write about faraway places and regions that interested me. Now SAE.news is a reality and has given me a wonderful sense of fulfillment.

Anyway, I know this is only a start because the digital world has its own demands and requires special abilities.

Our vision: The SAE.news blog

I decided I wanted to write about Southeast Asia. The main idea was to write about different regions, and I find this particular one to be quite interesting. My main goal is to create a community of followers that can learn about what’s going on in other places in the world. People from this region that live abroad will also find this blog helpful. So, step by step, I created this online publication.

Thanks to my team of editors and writers, my followers can read about what interests them and find the information they need. The blog includes topics like elections, politics, technology, and international affairs within the region and with other regions as well as important news and featured events. Luckily, I have some of the best writers and journalists on my team.

Our goal: spreading world news

My objective at first was to publish world news, but soon I realized that this was too much at the moment. I don’t know what will happen in the future, but now I have chosen to focus on one region and open a virtual space where people can open their minds to other cultures and other ways of living.

The next step is to get more readers in different parts of the world, so the message reaches a wider audience.

Our mission: A solid community for sharing quality information

SAE.news is committed to providing excellent content and fresh information while supporting its community. With this goal in mind, I have worked hard to build a space that provides content that’s both useful and entertaining. This is what I choose for myself and my career. The SAE.news blog is made with passion and with people who value journalist ethics and the importance of reliable sources and information.